Exercise and sleep affect our well being. Exercise helps our body release feel-good endorphins that affect our moods. Our bodies need sleep to rejuvenate and invigorate our daily lives. No one is happy when they are sleep deprived. Track these practices this week and email us at thescienceofhapiness@gmail.com and share how these practices benefitted you or how they made you feel.
To see if this program (and doing the rewirement activity specifically) has helped you feel a little happier, we want you to retake your level of happiness using the same method you used at the beginning of the program.
On a scale of 1-5, how happy are you with your life right now?
RATE HOW HAPPY YOU ARE: 1-5 Overall _____
Write your survey results below and note today’s date here:_______
Rate your happiness level: 0 (lowest positive) - 10 (highest positive)
Positive emotions _____
Engagement _____
Relationships _____
Meaning _____
Accomplishment _____
Health _____
Negative emotions _____
Loneliness _____
Overall Well-Being _____
Compare your scores for each happiness level before and after the program. Your scores should increase over time. Remember some negative thinking/habits have been practiced for a lot longer than eight weeks. Reviewing the program over and over again will be beneficial in that you will create new thought patterns for well-being and shut down old thought patterns and negative thinking.
Click here to access the Google Doc version of this worksheet.
A note from a participant:
"After completing this program I knew I would never be the same again. Negative thinking and old habits only resurface when I am not being intentional about my work. When I am consciously practicing healthy habits and being purposeful with my exercises, I am aware of what I need to do. I recognize happiness as a mood that changes by my perception of events."
Now that you have completed this abbreviated program, you have more tools to sustain your happiness. Recognizing what your triggers and stressors are will help you create a more sustainable plan for happiness. Reviewing and practicing these steps on a regular basis will help you create an environment of self awareness, which will help you redirect your energy towards a healthier you. To complete the entire Science of Well Being course, visit Yale University Coursera.
References & Resources