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Part 3: Take Action

This week, get a sneak peek of Take Action, part three of The Science of Happiness Program.

Take Action

Taking action will move you from an idea or thought to a realization state. By the end of this Take Action section, you should discover where happiness really comes from. Here’s a hint…all your happiness in all areas of your life will come from YOU. Plain and simple - you can create your own happiness regardless of any situation you are facing. In your journal, create a section titled “My Life My Way” and write down some of the things you believe would make you happy based on your choices. Not choices based on what others think of you or choices you think will make others happy; but your own choices. Things you truly believe will create great memories for you when you are not at your happiest state of mind. These memories will serve you well when you are older and reflect back on them as well.

Step 1- With your caregiver, research The Science of Happiness by reading the blog post “What in the world?” and completing the assignment below.

Using your stickers:

a. Use the “Take Action Step 1” sticker and place it on the next section of your journal.

b. Set aside 5-15 minutes to write down your thoughts about what you just read on The Science of Happiness blog post “Who In the World?”. Title this section of your journal Who in the World…and answer these questions below in your journal:

· Why do I do what I do?

· Why do I think of others the way I do?

· Why do I live where I live?

· Why did I go to that particular school?

· Who is in my circle of friends or colleagues?

· Why am I so happy?

· Why am I so melancholy?

· Who am I, really?

· Do others see the real me or just who I pretend to be?

Step 2- Write a blog about what you experienced during this journey and completing the steps for this program. Your blog should consist of 150-400 words and should include the reasons:

· Why you think this journey helped you learn about The Science of Happiness.

· What did you learn from connecting with others about their happiest memories.

· How to be grateful for the simple things in life.

· Savoring the experiences and moments when you felt your happiest.

· What did you do during your time of reflection and mindfulness (getting to know yourself).

· Ask your caregiver to sign a permission slip allowing you to share your work on our blog. Download permission slip here or go to

Submit your blog to

Visit the SHOP (at the top of the page, click MORE, then SHOP) in March to purchase your The Science of Happiness Program kit!

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